The list of prizewinning submissions for the Creative Theme Award are as below:

Award Title
First Prize 追火車的人 Video Link
Second Prize 不真實的台灣 Video Link
Second Prize 我在台灣當「浪人」 Video Link
Third Prize 閱讀。點燈-獨立書店 Video Link
Third Prize 《Alapawan 阿拉巴灣小蝴蝶》 Video Link
Third Prize 全美戲院 · 二輪三代 Video Link
Prize for Distinction Giancarlo 先生 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 東沙群島,偏遠,獨特……一次完整的冒險 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 那段神采飛揚的歲月 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 天地藝紙-《2023潮台灣》 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 織心 Video Link
Student Special Award 台灣筵席文化 Video Link
Student Special Award 凍蒜minus Video Link

The list of prizewinning submissions for the Reel-style Short Video Award are as below:

Award Title
First Prize 台灣各種你想不到的玩法! Video Link
Second Prize 【台灣的潮,市在必行】 Video Link
Third Prize 台灣鐵道寶藏之蒸汽火車巡禮-《潮台灣短影音》 Video Link