The list of prizewinning submissions for the Creative Category are as below:

Award Title
First Prize 芋田之子 Video Link
Second Prize 極樂世界 Video Link
Third Prize 復興部落的禮物 Video Link
Third Prize 揮擊。瞬間 Video Link
Third Prize 番仔挖海牛 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 養鰻之路 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 道台灣 Dao Taiwan Video Link
Prize for Distinction 太平洋中的旋律 Melody in Pacific Video Link
Prize for Distinction 我有一位朋友 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 台灣,妳被看見了嗎? Video Link
Prize for Distinction 尋蟲之旅 Video Link

The list of prizewinning submissions for the Brand Story Category are as below:

Award Title
First Prize 台灣與世界一起奔跑! Video Link
Second Prize 好日子好飲料 Video Link
Third Prize 一起環保起來! Video Link
Prize for Distinction Taiwan in Taiwan Video Link
Prize for Distinction 敬自由。敬台灣 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 「潮」台灣 Video
Prize for Distinction 百景臺灣100views of Taiwan Video Link
Prize for Distinction 台灣依靠 Video Link