Judging criteria

  1. Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria
    • creativity of the script: 30%
    • the submission’s central theme: 30%
    • the narrative technique employed: 30%
    • technical aspects such as the camera work and editing techniques: 10%
  2. Prize:
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    • First Prize: One recipient will receive a NT$250,000 cash prize and a certificate

      Second Prize: Two recipients will receive a NT$120,000 cash prize and a certificate

      Third Prize: Three recipients will receive a NT$80,000 cash prize and a certificate

      Prize for Distinction: Five recipients will receive a NT$50,000 cash prize and a certificate

    • First Prize: One recipient will receive a NT$80,000 cash prize and a certificate

      Second Prize: One recipient will receive a NT$50,000 cash prize and a certificate

      Third Prize: One recipient will receive a NT$40,000 cash prize and a certificate

    • Student Special Award: Two recipients will receive a NT$50,000 cash prize and a certificate

    • Six recipients will receive a NT$3,000 gift certificate.

      The shortlisted submissions in the Creative Theme Category the Reel-style Short Video Category and the Student Special Category will receive one award certificate each.

      Note: For competition prize winners who are not ROC nationals, prize money and applicable taxes will be handled in accordance with the ROC’s Income Tax Act as well as National Health Insurance surcharge regulations.