The list of prizewinning submissions are as below

Award Title
First Prize 像天空一樣 Video Link
Second Prize 點燃希望漁火 Video Link
Second Prize Elegant Ball 優雅的舞會 Video Link
Third Prize 翻轉地瓜 Video Link
Third Prize 永續城鄉 / 健康與福祉 Video Link
Third Prize 台灣永續,世界永續 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 磚瓦間台灣味 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 金樽 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 傳茶之路 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 台灣給予 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 剪黏匠師臺灣魂 Video Link
Prize for Distinction 歌仔囡仔 Video Link
Special Student Award 義剪之旅・走進部落 Video Link
Special Student Award 原來這就是爺爺思念中的臺灣 Video Link