Feature films of 2017

Winners of the Third “Trending Taiwan Short Film Competition”─General Competition

Numbering Film title
First Prize The small mail delivery truck in the valley video
Second Prize Dream of Foreign Land video
Second Prize Dr. Ah-mei video
Third Prize A Journey To Hualien County video
Third Prize Spotlight On Rebirth video
Third Prize Arenas on New Shores video
Prize for Distinction Mix Tea with Zen video
Prize for Distinction From Painting Movie Billboards to Creating A New Life video
Prize for Distinction DRAGON NINE video
Prize for Distinction作 Taiwan - Our Home video
Prize for Distinction My Beloved Son, My Beloved Taiwan video
Prize for Distinction The Rock And Roll Stitching Method video

Winners of the Third “Trending Taiwan Short Film Competition”─Taiwan Global Partner Award

First Prize prize not awarded **
Second Prize prize not awarded **
Third Prize prize not awarded **